After waiting for three long months, taking it very easy, wearing the velcro corset every day, not lifting anything, doing everything slowly and carefully, being told not to work at the regular visits to the orthopaedic doctor, by early March it was time for the CT scan to check how the bone was healing.
The scan itself only took a few minutes – waiting for the prints to be ready seemed to take longer!
The technology is incredible, the pictures from the scan were amazing! It looked like you could touch the pieces that they had installed.
Although there had been X-Rays in the hospital, I didn’t realise the size or exact shape of the metals pins or screws until I saw the prints from the CT Scan.
For example, on this view of the torso from the left, you can make out the vertebra of the spine and see very clearly where the pins and screws are - you get an idea of the size of the pieces of metal by comparing with the scale on the left hand side of the scan – the pins are almost 10 cms long!
This view from above shows the size of the screws that go into the vertebra above and below the broken one
These views show close ups of the metal bits from different angles (left, front, right, rear):
The doctors said they were very happy with the images when they saw them, and that everything was healing well.
Now it's wearing the corset less during the day, gradually reducing the time over the next few weeks so that by mid April I shouldn't have to wear it at all.
Have started physiotherapy a couple of times a week to build up the back muscles and am already back to work full time.
There will be regular visits to the orthopaedic doctor and an X-Ray in three months or so to check things still look ok .
I plan to post more updates with progress; in the meantime, if would be good to hear from you if you have any comments or questions.